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Cocaine Nose - All About Coke Nose Holes

A woman's nose is being operated on by a surgeon in an outpatient program.

Drug addiction is an absolutely devastating condition. Not only do you have to deal with strong feelings of shame and guilt, but you also have to cope with the physical consequences of drug abuse. Many people assume that cocaine is a “safe” alternative to other stimulants like crystal meth, but the truth is that cocaine is extremely addictive and comes with many of its own negative effects. One of the most common effects of long-term cocaine abuse is known as “cocaine nose.”

But what does a cocaine nose look like? Does cocaine burn your nose? What are cocaine’s effects on the nose? Is it possible to develop a cocaine nose hole? If so, can it be fixed? Finally, if you or a loved one is suffering from cocaine addiction, where can you go to get professional substance abuse treatment?

In today’s guide, we will answer all of these questions and more, but first, let’s look at what the term “cocaine nose” really means:

What Is a Cocaine Nose?

Cocaine nose or “coke nose” refers to the physical damage and changes to the nose caused by chronic cocaine use. Snorting cocaine can cause damage to the nasal tissues and the nasal septum, the cartilage and tissue that separate the two nostrils. It causes this damage because cocaine naturally constricts the blood vessels in the nose. Over time, this constriction causes tissue in the nose to deteriorate and, eventually, die. This can result in visible nasal perforation, infections, and even a completely destroyed nose. All of these deformities and complications are collectively referred to as “cocaine nose.”

Nose Damage From Cocaine

The damage to the nose after cocaine use can vary based on the severity and frequency of abuse. For example, using cocaine a single time may result in a burning sensation and not much else (though it still carries the risk of addiction and health problems). Getting a nose bleed from cocaine is also very common, regardless of how frequently you use the drug. However, if you make a habit of snorting cocaine, the long-term damage to your nose can grow increasingly severe. Here are some of the most common types of damage associated with cocaine nose:

  • Nasal Irritation – Snorting cocaine can irritate sensitive nasal tissues, causing redness, inflammation, and discomfort. This is a short-term effect that can grow increasingly severe with repeated abuse.
  • Stuffy Nose – Chronic cocaine use can cause nasal congestion, a runny nose, rhinorrhea, or post-nasal drip as the nasal tissues become irritated and inflamed.
  • Nose Bleeds – The constant irritation and damage to the blood vessels in the nasal lining can result in more frequent bleeding from the nose. But as previously mentioned, cocaine can make your nose bleed regardless of the frequency of use.
  • Nasal Septum Perforation – Prolonged cocaine snorting can erode the nasal septum, creating a hole or a complete nose collapse. This can cause difficulty breathing, nasal deformity, and an increased risk of infection. Perforations in the skin or cartilage are also much harder to treat effectively.
  • Loss of Smell – Damage to the nasal tissues and nerves may result in a reduced or lost sense of smell. This is one of the most common symptoms experienced by cocaine addicts.
  • Palatal Perforation – In severe cases, cocaine use can cause the erosion of the soft palate, the tissue that forms the roof of the mouth, leading to a hole connecting the mouth and nasal cavity. This opens the door to a wide range of issues, from breathing problems to infections.
  • Facial Pain – Chronic cocaine use can lead to facial pain, sinusitis, and an increased risk of sinus infections due to damage and inflammation in the nasal passages. If you cannot stop abusing cocaine, the severity and frequency of the pain and infections will only worsen.

One of the most significant types of damage caused by prolonged cocaine use is known as “saddle nose.” Saddle nose is a condition where the bridge of the nose collapses or has a concave appearance, creating a dip or curve in the profile of the nose. The name “saddle nose” is derived from the resemblance of the affected nose to the shape of a saddle. This condition can lead to breathing problems, sinus issues, and even difficulties with speech. Moreover, the aesthetic change associated with saddle nose can cause emotional distress, anxiety, and depression.

Can You Fix A Hole In Your Nose From Coke?

Fixing a hole in the nose caused by cocaine use is possible, but the success of treatment depends on the severity of the damage and your overall health. Treatment for a perforated nasal septum or other nose damage from cocaine may involve one or more of the following options:

  • Surgical Intervention – In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the hole in the nose. There are various surgical techniques, such as septal perforation repair, which involves using a graft from your own tissue or synthetic materials to close the hole. The success of the surgery depends on factors such as the size and location of the perforation.
  • Non-Surgical Management – If the hole is small and not causing significant problems for you, a doctor may recommend non-surgical management. This can include the use of saline nasal sprays or ointments to keep the nasal passages moist, reduce irritation, and potentially help any perforations heal on their own. For a hole that is small but won’t close on its own, a silicone button or nasal prosthesis can be used to cover the hole and temporarily improve symptoms.
  • Addressing the Underlying Cause – To ensure the success of any treatment, it’s crucial to address the underlying cause of the damage — in this case, cocaine abuse. Seeking help from an addiction specialist for substance use disorder treatment is essential. Without addressing the cocaine addiction, further damage to the nasal septum can occur even after surgical repair.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an otolaryngologist (ENT specialist), to assess the damage and determine the most appropriate course of treatment for cocaine nose. Keep in mind that while repairing a hole in the nose from cocaine use is possible, the best way to prevent further damage is to abstain from using the drug and seek help for addiction.

Getting Help For A Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that can have severe physical and mental health consequences. If you or a loved one are struggling with cocaine addiction, it’s vital to seek help as soon as possible. Taking action to achieve recovery can be very difficult, but there are many resources available to assist you on your journey to a healthier, drug-free life. Some of the best and most effective treatments include:

  • Detoxification
  • Inpatient & Outpatient Treatment
  • Counseling & Therapy
  • Support Groups
  • Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

Fortunately, you can access all of these services and more at Prosperity Haven. Don’t wait to seek help for cocaine addiction. Contact us today to take the first step toward recovery.

Is someone you know showing signs of cocaine addiction? Do you believe that treatment at a cocaine rehab facility is the best solution to reach recovery? If so, feel free to contact the experts at Prosperity Haven to learn more about drug rehab for cocaine addiction.


Take the First Step and Reach Out Today