Prosperity Haven Ohio

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5 Healthy Sobriety Rewards

A man sitting on a picnic table enjoying a book at an inpatient treatment facility.

You deserve a reward! Whether you’ve tackled one of life’s many challenges or met a sobriety milestone, you’ve been working hard, and you deserve recognition. 

Every stage of sobriety is an accomplishment and a cause for celebration. By choosing recovery, you are essentially choosing life. 

Long-term sobriety gains include: 

  1. Better physical and emotional health
  2. Stronger interpersonal relationships
  3. Positive self-worth

These natural rewards of recovery take time, though, so it’s important to figure out how to reward yourself for staying sober all along your road to lifelong sobriety.

How you treat yourself has to be different now. Before getting sober, you may have “rewarded” yourself with drugs or drinking. Now that you’re in recovery, you need a better option. You need a sobriety reward.

At Prosperity Haven, we can help you learn how to celebrate sobriety milestones responsibly. Find out how to reward yourself without alcohol or drugs. Read on for some great ideas that work for our alumni when it’s time for them to live it up!

Treat Yourself to a Nice Meal

People from all walks of life find food to be a major motivator. We recommend scaling your food reward to your accomplishment. For example, at the end of a  long day, make an extra-nice meal or spare yourself the work by treating yourself to takeout. For a work promotion, completing a big project at home, or reaching a sobriety milestone, you deserve a sit-down dinner somewhere nice! Food rewards for sobriety are especially meaningful when you are recovering from an alcohol addiction. Did you previously go out for drinks with friends to celebrate any occasion? Go out to dinner and a show instead as rewards for not drinking.

Get Yourself a Small Gift

Everyone’s finances are different, but you don’t need a big occasion to spend some spare money. Is there something you’ve had your eye on, but wouldn’t normally buy for yourself? Having an especially rough day? Wondering how to reward yourself in recovery without going overboard? Here are some ideas that won’t break the bank, but are popular rewards for staying sober:

  • Professional massage
  • Kitchen gadgets or utensils 
  • That nice shirt you can’t stop thinking about
  • New cologne scent
  • Watch or jewelry
  • Power tools
  • Electronics
  • The latest NY Times bestseller
  • Awesome running shoes

Still wondering how to reward yourself in recovery? Ideas for sobriety rewards are endless and only limited by your imagination. Take some quiet time to write a list of your favorite ideas. And remember to refer to your list whenever you are celebrating sobriety milestones or any kind of success along the way.

Are you a close friend or relative of a recovering addict? Show your support by buying them a sobriety gift when they reach a meaningful sobriety milestone.

Spend Time with a Friend

When you’ve done something worth celebrating, it’s natural to want to share that with someone. Rewarding success in recovery is always more fun with company. Let a friend or a few friends know that you’d love to see a movie, go bowling, take a hike, or find some other way to share in your accomplishment. Figure out how you’re splitting the bill and enjoy their company while celebrating sobriety at the same time.

Two men hikers walking up a hill at sunset.

Start a Celebration Savings Account

If you’re into bigger rewards, set aside some money each time you reach a sobriety milestone, overcome a challenge, or just want to reward yourself for a hard day. Whether you store a set amount or change every deposit, make sure to leave a note to yourself about what it’s for. Give yourself a deadline for cashing in on your rewards for staying sober, and when you hit it, use the money on something big: a trip, expensive electronics, you name it. And make sure to go back over the list of deposits — which is now a list of accomplishments!

Take Care of Yourself

Light a candle or two and soak away your cares in the warm sensations of a bubble bath. Schedule a massage to knead out any tension you’ve built up and feel more refreshed than ever. Head outdoors, look up at the stars, and feel peace. Think of little luxuries that bring you relaxation and joy, and get to pampering yourself. Self-care is not just a good reward for sobriety. It’s good for your spirit.

Find Rewards for Sobriety With Prosperity Haven

Remember that your happiness is valuable for its own sake. On the road to recovery, you need to be able to keep yourself happy with things that are sustainable, enjoyable, and healthy. We know it can be tricky to find the right sobriety rewards. At Prosperity Haven, we teach the importance of rewarding success in recovery and we’ll help you find rewards that work for and enhance your life.

Prosperity Haven is a men’s rehab center in northeast Ohio. We use both evidence-based and holistic therapies that set our clients up for sustained success in post-rehabilitation recovery. Our drug and alcohol rehab allows clients to work on their sobriety at their own pace. We’ll help you find ways to celebrate without resorting to drugs or alcohol, through compassionate, personalized care.

Find out how to find happiness in sobriety and contact Prosperity Haven today!


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