Prosperity Haven Ohio

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Group & Family Addiction
Therapy in Chardon, OH

Working Together to Find Lasting Sobriety

Chardon Addiction Counseling & Therapy

When you’re struggling with substance abuse, it can be difficult to find people who truly understand what you’re going through and how addiction affects every part of your life. This is part of the reason addiction is such an isolating experience, and why at Prosperity Haven, we put a strong focus on working with a group. Our licensed addiction counselors will be here for you every step of the way, but we know that speaking with others who are experiencing many of the same things as you are will give you insight and empathetic support that no one else can.

Our Chardon rehab facility fosters an environment of companionship and brotherhood between clients and a safe place for you and your family to make amends. We know how lonely addiction can be, but we’ll make sure you don’t have to fight it alone.

Group Substance Abuse Therapy in Greater Cleveland

Group Substance Abuse Therapy in Greater Cleveland

In group therapy, you’ll see that you’re not alone in your struggles with substance abuse, and that addiction can truly affect anyone. These therapy sessions help you find common ground with your peers in recovery and empowers you to lean on each other for support.

When you’re experiencing substance abuse treatment for alcohol or drug addiction, you’ll receive support from all angles, but the only people who truly understand the challenges you’re facing are the people next to you on a daily basis. That’s what makes your fellow peers at Prosperity Haven such a great resource for advice and guidance as you help each other gain new perspectives and potential solutions through group discussion. We incorporate this all-important group structure in a number of areas, including group therapy sessions, meditation and mindfulness exercises, and workshops that cover critical life skills like nutrition and career development.

A group of three men is talking and listening to each other.GROUP SUBSTANCE ABUSE THERAPY IN GREATER CLEVELAND

In group therapy, you’ll see that you’re not alone in your struggles with substance abuse, and that addiction can truly affect anyone. These therapy sessions help you find common ground with your peers in recovery and empowers you to lean on each other for support.
When you’re experiencing substance abuse treatment for alcohol or drug addiction, you’ll receive support from all angles, but the only people who truly understand the challenges you’re facing are the people next to you on a daily basis. That’s what makes your fellow peers at Prosperity Haven such a great resource for advice and guidance as you help each other gain new perspectives and potential solutions through group discussion. We incorporate this all-important group structure in a number of areas, including group therapy sessions, meditation and mindfulness exercises, and workshops that cover critical life skills like nutrition and career development.

Two young men are talking while one is drinking coffee.

Building a Strong Support System in Rehab

Recovery is a lifelong journey, and it takes patience, dedication, and constant support to maintain sobriety. In rehab, you’re not surrounded by the normal outside influences that could trigger relapse, and going back into the world outside our facility will present new challenges and hurdles that will be much easier to handle with the help of a strong support network.  

We’re proud of the brotherhood created between clients when they’re going through our continuum of care. We believe that this bond is one of the most important aspects of our drug and alcohol rehab programs. These friendships don’t just help you during therapy sessions — they last the rest of your life. Whenever you’re struggling, need support, or just want to talk to someone, you’ll always have a friend who’s there for you and holding you accountable.

Support System in Rehab


Recovery is a lifelong journey, and it takes patience, dedication, and constant support to maintain sobriety. In rehab, you’re not surrounded by the normal outside influences that could trigger relapse, and going back into the world outside our facility will present new challenges and hurdles that will be much easier to handle with the help of a strong support network.  

We’re proud of the brotherhood created between clients when their going through our continuum of care. We believe that this bond is one of the most important aspects of our drug and alcohol rehab programs. These friendships don’t just help you during therapy sessions — they last the rest of your life. Whenever you’re struggling, need support, or just want to talk to someone, you’ll always have a friend who’s there for you and holding you accountable.


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What Happens in Group Addiction Therapy

Group therapy is often thought of as a collection of people sitting in a circle and taking turns sharing their experiences. While this is sometimes what group therapy looks like, we use several different, unique and evidence-based approaches to group addiction counseling that leverage the ability to use peers for support in a way that is accessible for every client in our programming. Here are some of the group therapies we offer at Prosperity Haven:

Conventional Support Groups
Two men in black shirts are talking.

Conventional Support Groups

Support groups are an important part of the recovery journey. Clients share ideas, insights, recovery strategies, and personal experiences with the group that everyone can reflect on and learn from, and an individual doesn’t feel like their challenges are as daunting when they’re being resolved in a supportive group setting. Group addiction therapy gives clients the opportunity to form strong bonds with their peers, track their progress in recovery, and be held accountable during their time in rehab.

Conventional Support Groups

Support groups are an important part of the recovery journey. Clients share ideas, insights, recovery strategies, and personal experiences with the group that everyone can reflect on and learn from, and an individual doesn’t feel like their challenges are as daunting when they’re being resolved in a supportive group setting. Group addiction therapy gives clients the opportunity to form strong bonds with their peers, track their progress in recovery, and be held accountable during their time in rehab.

Man talking to a group

Psychoeducational Group Therapy

Psychoeducational group therapy focuses on client’s mental health and helps them understand how mental health issues affect their addiction. During these group addiction therapy sessions, clients will also better understand the medical, behavioral, and psychological consequences of long-term substance abuse. At Prosperity Haven, we discuss relapse prevention strategies, how to avoid triggers and different situations that could incite drug or alcohol use, and how to manage the stressors of everyday life.

Psychoeducational Group Therapy

Psychoeducational Group TherapyPsychoeducational Group Therapy

Psychoeducational group therapy focuses on client’s mental health and helps them understand how mental health issues affect their addiction. During these group addiction therapy sessions, clients will also better understand the medical, behavioral, and psychological consequences of long-term substance abuse. At Prosperity Haven, we discuss relapse prevention strategies, how to avoid triggers and different situations that could incite drug or alcohol use, and how to manage the stressors of everyday life.


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Family Substance Abuse Therapy in Greater Cleveland
Man talking to a woman and a man

Family Substance Abuse Therapy in Greater Cleveland

Family, friends, and other loved ones are almost always affected by addiction. Our family therapy sessions empower you and your loved ones to come together and open the lines of communication. During this time, you’ll be able to explore some of the dynamics of your closest relationships and how addiction has affected the people who care about you. 

Family therapy is all about addressing the issues that addiction has caused so that you can all work together to rebuild your relationships and support each other moving forward. Like our group therapy, we work to make everyone to feel safe and comfortable speaking openly and honestly, so that clients can find their support network, and loved ones can reconnect with someone they were worried about losing.

Family Substance Abuse Therapy in Greater Cleveland

Family, friends, and other loved ones are almost always affected by addiction. Our family therapy sessions empower you and your loved ones to come together and open the lines of communication. During this time, you’ll be able to explore some of the dynamics of your closest relationships and how addiction has affected the people who care about you. 

Family therapy is all about addressing the issues that addiction has caused so that you can all work together to rebuild your relationships and support each other moving forward. Like our group therapy, we work to make everyone to feel safe and comfortable speaking openly and honestly, so that clients can find their support network, and loved ones can reconnect with someone they were worried about losing.

Our Family Addiction Counseling Services

Family counseling is completely voluntary, and depends on everyone being ready and willing to make it a constructive experience rather than a source of additional conflict. Involving your loved ones in the process can be extremely helpful in the recovery process. Family therapy sessions allow for constructive dialogue between loved ones in a way that can be difficult to manage without professional guidance.

Here are some of the key topics that you and your loved ones can expect to cover during family therapy:

Prosperity Haven's treatment center

Taking the First Steps Towards Recovery with Prosperity Haven

Group and family therapy are only a few of the recovery services offered at Prosperity Haven. We believe in using a variety of therapies and activities to address the damage addiction has made on your mind, body, and spirit, including:

  • Individual Counseling
  • Life Skill Workshops
  • Dual Diagnostic Treatment
  • Holistic Therapies

If you’d like to learn more about our group and family therapy or have any questions about our rehab program, call us at (440) 253-9915 today.

Prosperity Haven


Group and family therapy are only a few of the recovery services offered at Prosperity Haven. We believe in using a variety of therapies and activities to address the damage addiction has made on your mind, body, and spirit, including:

  • Individual Counseling
  • Life Skill Workshops
  • Dual Diagnostic Treatment
  • Holistic Therapies

If you’d like to learn more about our group and family therapy or have any questions about our rehab program, call us at (440) 253-9915 today.