Prosperity Haven Ohio

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At Prosperity Haven, we believe one of the best ways to fight addiction is by understanding your opponent. That’s why we’re committed to educating our community and providing resources so that you can arm yourself against substance abuse with knowledge. Our blog features articles on various topics related to addiction recovery, behavioral health, substance abuse treatment strategies, tools and techniques, support systems, and much more.

A man is giving a handshake to another man in an addiction recovery center.

How to Support an Addict After Rehab

How to Support an Addict After Rehab September 30, 2021 Prosperity Haven Addiction Treatment Completing a rehabilitation program for drug or alcohol abuse is a major milestone worth celebrating. But afterwards, recovery is a lifelong commitment. While rehab will teach a recovering addict the tools they need to live their lives free of substance abuse, individuals in recovery are not suddenly “cured,” and will need to make decisions that maintain their sobriety every day. If your loved one is returning …

Building New Support Systems After Rehab

Building New Support Systems After Rehab September 4, 2021 Prosperity Haven Addiction Treatment People struggling with addiction may sometimes go to great lengths to hide it, but the truth is that substance abuse doesn’t exist in a vacuum: There are always other people involved. For example, people who may have enabled addiction, perhaps by buying you extra rounds at the bar after work a few too many times. Or, maybe there are people you hurt with your addiction along the …

5 Levels of Addiction Treatment Continuum Care

5 Levels of Addiction Treatment IN THE Continuum Care Addiction is a complex disease that requires multiple levels of interventions over a considerable duration of time. Each individual has different requirements when seeking addiction treatment, making it important for each patient to receive direct and continuous care. To ensure this, 5 levels of care are incorporated. The level of care that one will require is determined by the amount of medical and clinical care necessary in their journey to rid …
Two men sitting on a couch at a drug detox center, looking at a clipboard.

Does Insurance Cover Rehab in Cleveland?

Does Insurance Cover Rehab in Cleveland? August 4, 2021 Prosperity Haven Addiction Treatment If you’re struggling with addiction, there could be a number of reasons why you’re hesitant to seek treatment. You may be afraid of who you are without your preferred substance, or maybe, you’re worried about how you will cope with the stressors of everyday life without it. Luckily, these fears (and many more) will be examined and addressed in drug and alcohol rehab. But many people will …
A young man is sitting outside using his laptop.

The Right Way to Return to Your Job After Rehab

The Right Way to Return to Your Job After Rehab April 27, 2021 Prosperity Haven Addiction Treatment Returning to work after a long weekend can feel daunting, so for people who have spent a significant amount of time in rehab, the idea of heading back to a job, even one that’s part-time, may seem overwhelming. While your health and recovery are of the utmost importance, there’s going to be a time when you’ll have to head back to the working …
A man jogging in a field at sunset, taking part in an addiction recovery center program.

The Five Most Important Life Skills to Build During Rehab

The Five Most Important Life Skills to Build During Rehab May 20, 2021 Prosperity Haven Addiction Treatment When your life is dominated by substance abuse, it can sometimes be difficult to meet your own basic needs — and for individuals in rehab, developing or practicing life skills is an important part of thriving in recovery. This is especially true for young adults, who may have never gotten the chance to develop these skills at the same time as their peers …