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What Causes Drug Addiction?

A woman's hands tied up with pills on a wooden table at an inpatient treatment facility.

It would be great if there were an easy way to identify the cause of drug addiction and simply rid the entire human race of the affliction. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Substance abuse is a complex problem with equally complex causes. For decades, researchers have been working to identify specific causes of drug addiction, and while many advancements have been made, the reality is that drug addiction often comes down to factors that are unique to each individual.

But if you want to know how drug addiction starts, you’ve probably got a lot of questions. For instance, are certain people predisposed to abuse drugs? Can drug abuse be triggered by childhood trauma? Which puts you at greater risk of drug addiction: genetic or environmental factors? What other risk factors can lead to addiction? Finally, what is the relationship between your brain and drug abuse?

In today’s guide, we will answer all of these questions and help you understand some of the most common causes of drug addiction. And remember, if you or someone you care about is struggling with drug addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Prosperity Haven for help.

Environmental Vs. Genetic Causes

“Nature vs. nurture” is a huge debate that still rages on among academics, particularly when it comes to substance abuse. Like most things in life, it’s almost never a black-and-white issue. Most people don’t begin abusing drugs solely because of environmental factors or genetic factors.

In the vast majority of cases, it’s a combination of environmental and genetic causes that lead to addiction, and these must be considered in tandem with additional risk factors. However, it’s important to remember that even if you are exposed to environmental causes or have certain genetic predispositions does not mean that you will inevitably develop a drug addiction; it just means that you’re at higher risk of abusing drugs.

In the sections below, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common causes of drug addiction:

Environmental Causes of Drug Addiction

  • Peer Pressure – Never underestimate the power of peer pressure, especially when it comes to engaging in substance abuse. Peer pressure is often how drug addiction begins for younger users. While older adults are less likely to give in to peer pressure, it is still something that can lead to abuse at any stage of life.
  • Family Drug Use – If you grew up in or currently live in an environment where family members abuse drugs, you are far more likely to abuse drugs as well. It is particularly dangerous for children exposed to drug use, as they may see it as an endorsement of the behavior, which could lead to drug addiction now or later on.
  • Accessibility – Teenagers and young adults are the people most likely to experiment with drugs. If drugs are easily accessible, it increases the chances that a one-time experiment could turn into a long-term addiction.
  • Trauma – Trauma can have a negative impact on your well-being regardless of when it took place, and it can also lead to drug abuse. Childhood trauma like neglect or abuse can cause long-term emotional distress. Sadly, addictive drugs and self-medicating are common coping mechanisms.
  • Socioeconomic Factors – If you have experienced poverty, unemployment, and limited access to formal education or healthcare, you are statistically at a greater risk of abusing drugs.
  • Prescription Drug Use – The opioid crisis has largely been driven by prescription drug abuse. Something as simple as a minor injury or illness could cause you to become addicted to painkillers or other addictive drugs.
  • Social Isolation – Feeling as though you lack a network of friends or family nearby can lead to feelings of isolation and even depression. These feelings increase the risk of using drugs as a coping mechanism.

Genetic Causes of Drug Addiction

  • Family History – Research indicates that a history of substance abuse in your family can increase your chances of abusing addictive substances.
  • Brain Chemistry – Certain variations in your genetics can determine how you respond to drug use. For example, genes related to neurotransmitter systems, like dopamine and serotonin, can impact how drugs affect the brain’s reward pathways. Some variations in these systems can make you more vulnerable to the pleasurable effects of drugs, thereby increasing the risk of abuse.
  • Impulse Control – Some people are genetically predisposed to engage in more impulsive behavior. Poor impulse control is often linked to substance abuse.
  • Stress Response – While stress response can be affected by environmental factors, you may be genetically predisposed to respond to stress in different ways. For example, if you are prone to high levels of stress or anxiety, you may be more likely to self-medicate and become addicted to drugs.
  • Metabolism – Believe it or not, the metabolism you inherit from your parents could affect the way you absorb addictive substances. If your body is slow to clear away harmful drugs, it might make it more difficult to stop using drugs and easier to develop an addiction.
  • Sensation-Seeking – Some people are genetically predisposed to want to seek out strong sensations or more intense auditory, visual, or tactile stimuli. While this behavior may or may not be linked to a mental health disorder, it can often lead to drug abuse and addiction.

Other Risk Factors


  • Age of Drug Use – Generally, the younger you begin using or abusing drugs, the greater the risk that you will become addicted.
  • Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders – Even if you were not born with depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, or other mental health disorders, you may develop one or more of them over time. Having a mental health disorder increases the chances of using drugs as a coping mechanism.
  • Drug Types – There are many different kinds of illicit and prescription drugs out there, some of which are more addictive than others. While any addictive drug poses a risk, some drugs can substantially increase the risk of addiction. For example, heroin, crystal meth, and cocaine are all highly addictive drugs that are commonly abused.
  • Self-Esteem – Low self-esteem doesn’t always have a specific cause, but it can often lead to dangerous behaviors like self-harm or drug abuse.

How to Overcome Drug Addiction

Knowing the underlying causes of your drug addiction can make it much easier to seek out the right treatment. This is because therapy and counseling are important parts of the recovery process, and if you can talk about trauma, family history of drug use, or other potential causes and risk factors, a professional can help you find healthier ways to cope with these issues. And even if you don’t know the causes of your drug addiction right now, you shouldn’t feel disheartened. Many addicts begin detox or rehab without knowing exactly how or why they became addicted, but they often learn what may have caused the addiction as they recover.

Are you or someone you love stuck in a vicious cycle of drug abuse? Do you want to find a way out and begin the healing process? If so, Prosperity Haven is the answer. At Prosperity Haven, we can help you overcome the early days of withdrawal and continue your treatment so that you can remain sober for life. From dealing with childhood trauma to treating co-occurring disorders, we have the knowledge and expertise to develop a unique plan to meet your needs.

Located in Chardon, Ohio, Prosperity Haven offers advanced inpatient rehab and detox managed by trained professionals. Reach out today to learn more.


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