Prosperity Haven Ohio

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Am I Eligible for Addiction Treatment in Ohio if I Don’t Have Insurance?

As you contemplate what to do about your life as an addiction sufferer, you will need to decide whether to keep destroying your life or to get help. Hopefully, you will choose the second option.

If you have an interest in getting help in our Ohio facility, that’s a good thing. Helping you is something we would embrace the opportunity to do on your behalf. Of course, you might have concerns, especially concerns about paying for treatment.

There are plenty of rehab centers that operate for profit or as nonprofit organizations. Regardless of a rehab facility’s business status, they still need to charge for services. For people with healthcare insurance, covering the cost of treatment is usually nothing more than a minor consideration. That would likely apply to you as well. If you don’t have insurance, it’s reasonable for you to show concern about paying for treatment. Hopefully, it won’t be the one thing that keeps you from getting the treatment you so desperately need.

If you don’t have insurance, you are still eligible to get addiction treatment in our Ohio treatment facility. You will need to figure out how to pay for treatment before you begin the process. Let’s discuss some of the ways you might be able to cover your treatment costs.

How to Pay for Rehab

We cannot express enough how important it is that you get treatment for your addiction as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to incur significant damage to your body and life.

Understandably, you might have financial issues right now. Most addiction sufferers have done significant financial damage to their lives before they even thought about rehab. To help you identify ways you can pay for rehab, we are providing this list of suggestions:

  • Use personal savings, including retirement monies
  • Take out secured or unsecured debt
  • Ask family and friends for help
  • Seek help from endowments and grant programs
  • Ask for rehab facility financing

Your life and health are many times more important than money. If you need help, you might have to be creative about finding ways to pay for rehab. The list above is only a list of suggestions. However, your best option likely lies on this list. Let’s discuss these options further.


If you by chance have been saving money for a rainy day, it will never be raining on your life any harder than it is now. If your savings are tied up in a 401K or IRA account, some rules will allow you to pull or borrow those funds for a medical emergency. This is a medical emergency.

Taking on Secured or Unsecured Debt

Taking on debt to manage a crisis is never the best option. However, it is sometimes the only option. If you can qualify for a secured loan to help you cover rehab, that’s your best borrowing option because it will help keep you borrowing costs down. If you have to use credit cards, you can worry about repaying the debt after you complete treatment.

Assistance From Family

There’s a good chance your family will be supportive of your desire to get help for your addiction. If you have financially stable family members, those are the family members you might want to approach helping you pay for rehab.

Endowments and Grants

America is still a country where people and organizations are willing to help people who are sick. To learn about available endowments or grants to help you pay for rehab, you should talk with a rehab facility administrator.

Rehab Facility Financing

In some situations, a rehab facility might consider financing the costs of your treatment. You can ask when you first inquire about available services.

If you are suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you have to get treatment. If you don’t have insurance, we still want you to call one of our staff members at (440) 253-9915. Working together, we should be able to figure out a way to help you pay for the treatment you need. We just have to be creative.