Prosperity Haven Ohio

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What Are Some Potential Struggles to Keep in Mind During Rehabilitation for Alcoholics?

When there is a person that you love dealing with an addiction, more than anything you wish you could just help them. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you or your loved one has found the courage to ask for help. In all honesty, the road to recovery can be long and hard, but do not ever give up hope.

What To Expect During Alcohol Rehabilitation


  • Mood changes- cycling between hope and desperation
  • Feeling tired or disconnected
  • Depression- becoming withdrawn
  • Sleeping more than usual, or dealing with insomnia
  • Drinking a lot of caffeine- caffeine is often how many recovering alcoholics handle their cravings for alcohol
  • Angry outbursts
  • Mental exhaustion and inability to focus

It is important to remember to be patient with someone who is recovering from an addiction. They are trying to make better life choices for themselves as well as their family, and this takes courage. It is helpful to keep in mind that they will have good days and bad days during recovery. In all honesty, it is unproductive to tell them what they need to do with their time.

If they feel like it is impossible to get out of bed, then simply be there for them. You do not need to sit by their bedside, but offer them food, liquids, support, love, and encouragement. Help them create new habits. For instance, when they are having a good day, consider taking a walk in the park, doing something fun, or just sit and watch a funny movie on the television. Do not push them to take part in life, but try to introduce things that will excite them.

Ideas To Help A Recovering Alcoholic


  • Laugh with them
  • Share your personal struggles and successes
  • Listen to their story
  • Offer healing information in regards to recovery
  • Encourage them
  • Think of their pain, and try to help them overcome it
  • Remind them to be kind and loving to themselves
  • Stay positive
  • Create new habits that are healthier for their mental well-being
  • Join a gym and bring them as a guest

Keep in mind that people tend to drink to sedate a painful thought, feeling, or event in their life. Do not pressure them to talk to you, but learn to listen to them when they are reaching out to you. Incorporate self-love practices and positive affirmations into your daily lives. You will be surprised at how these practices can even benefit your own personal life. Help your loved one learn to relax with exercise and calming music. You may even want to consider a day of pampering. You do not have to plan a day at the spa, because you can easily buy everything you will need at the store.

You may feel overwhelmed, but it is important to remember to breathe and think positive thoughts. Pray for them, and make sure you are available when they need you. If they relapse, then do not give up hope and tell them off. It is important to remember that they will waiver back and forth between the world they know and the one in which they want to live in.

The best thing you can do is try to help them to see the world in which they want to live in. A life of sobriety is far different than a life that is fueled by alcohol. They are learning to see the true reality of life, and they may even encounter moments of shame as they begin to recover. Remind them that we all live and learn, and help them to see they are not a failure.

One of the easiest ways to help someone who is suffering is to remind them of all of the things they are capable of. Avoid places that serve alcohol, and do not drink in front of them. Exercise is known to be very healing, therefore, encourage them to get active. Try to introduce them to a healthy diet, and remind them to drink plenty of water.

You will be amazed at just how much your love and understanding will help them in the end. Do not expect every day to be good, and embrace the bad days because this is where you will learn the most about their dependency on alcohol. If they cry or scream, then just listen. Do not try to reason with them in the moment, but rather, allow them to vent and heal. However, take the time to talk to them once they have calmed down.

If they are ready to take the next step in regards to their recovery, then show them you support their desire to heal. There are many places that offer help, and all you need to do is contact a reputable facility that can help your loved one begin their path of healing today. Call us today at (440) 253-9915.